Tuesday, January 24, 2012


After having a massive fight with my boyfriend
the other night we came to a new resolution....

We had gotten to the point in the fight where it had gotten
so big that we were pretty much bringing up every fight that we had ever had.

Re-hashing them all....
really not resolving anything....
bringing up old issues and grievances that being years old really should be forgotten about....
we are not the people we were when we had those fights,
so why are we still having them?

So we came up with a code word,
for when we are in a fight and bring up topics that
we have now officially been vetoed....
as in they are resolved (or unresolved but remaining that way)
we are going to say those topics are JUMANJIED...

mainly because i thought Jumanjied was a pretty funny word

Let's see how it works out.....

1 comment:

  1. I guess if you are in a fight, and he says jumanjied you won't be able not to smile:)
