Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas and Cupcakes...

Just one more post about my fleeting trip to the Uk...

I mean who wouldnt be excited by such a HUGE Christmas tree

and GIGANTUOS Christmas baubles
A trip to London is never complete
without a visit with one of my Besties, Steven!!!!

After a lovely lunch we headed over to The Humming Bird Bakery in Soho for some cupcakes.
My sister has their cookbook at home so i was pretty excited...

to be honest i wasn't all that impressed,
sure it was delicious,
but we got there at the end of the day and there were only 2 options of
cupcakes chocolate or dull!

I also begrudge spending so much on a cupcake....
i know its London and its a cupcakes are all hip and in at the moment...
but honestly,
give me a four pack of chocolate chip muffins
from Tesco's any day for 99p and i'd be happy...

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand the begrudgingness of spending £2.50 + on a cupcake that is predominantly icing sugar. And tesco choc chip muffins are great. Or you could make a whole tray of cupcakes for about £1.50! It's all about economising! And then you can share too!
